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/ Turnbull China Bikeride / Turnbull China Bikeride - Disc 2.iso / GREEKS / HTML / GODS3 / IMAGES / _GDS23.GIF < prev    next >
Graphics Interchange Format  |  1999-03-25  |  31KB  |  590x411  |  8-bit (51 colors)
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OCR: The histon ian Heredotus wrote down the story of famous visit to the Oracle at Delphi Kq rich king called Croesus. He W as very powerful ru ler and came from the land called Lydia. Croesus did not kno W if he should go to war W ith the P ersians or not so he consulted the oracle The Oracle said Croesus attac ks the ersians he will destroy great empire Croesus thought this meant that he would defeat the P ersians he attacked them. Unfortunately for him, the empire he destro yed was his own when his army M as defeated by the ersians Oracles historian know Troesus hought Ynfortunate lestroyed lefeatec rsian